Cupping Therapy
Cupping Therapy
Cupping has a history of thousand years in China. It has thousand years of clinical application and its efficacy has been well documented. Instead of using traditional cupping with fire, modern technology was developed by using suction to produce negative pressure, which can be handled easily and safely by people with limited knowledge of it.
The principle of cupping is to invigorate circulation of blood, remove the stagnation of chi, stimulate immune system, and relieve inflammation, swelling, and pain.
Treatment: Cupping was mainly recommended to treatment of various pains, including shoulder pain, back pain, wrist pain, knee pain, muscle pain, stiff neck, waist sprain, joint sprain etc. The accumulated pains would lead to serious diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, debility of lumbago, sciatica and cervical syndrome etc. Cupping was directly applied to the most obvious pain point for around 10 – 20 min to avoid those serious diseases at the early stage. It is a natural, safe, and physical therapy approach.
Diagnosis: Cupping was also used to diagnose diseases of internal organs, including heart, liver, and stomach etc. Something wrong inside do have external symptoms outside on the basis of traditional Chinese medicine. Cupping was applied to the reflective points as shown below picture for around 5 - 10 min. The pigment of cup prints will indicate the situation of internal organs.
- Light red color of cup print indicates normal situation.
- Dark purple and black color of cup print indicates situations of deficient blood supply and stagnation of chi in relevant organs.
- Scattered purple with different depth in color indicates the diseases may exist in relevant organs.
- Water vapor on interior walls of cup indicates pathogenic damp exist in relevant organs.
In short, cupping was designed by professional expertise and it is a natural, safe, and physical therapy approach. It can be handle easily and safely by people with limited knowledge of it to diagnose diseases of internal organs and avoid serious diseases of rheumatoid arthritis, debility of lumbago, sciatica, and cervical syndrome etc.

In : Cupping